Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is It Just Me?

Lately I've been praying more prayers that sound like this:

"Lord Jesus, I hope You're coming sooner rather than later."

Our world is in chaos. Both on a global scale and a personal scale for many of us. Earthquakes, tsunamis, terror attacks, and war are wreaking havoc on our world. Personal battles, death, sickness, chaos, and pain are wreaking havoc in our personal lives. It seems no matter where I turn I hear another story of pain and suffering. It could be on the nightly news or from a friend at work, but it seems every other story I hear is one that breaks my heart.

I am so grateful that God is God over all. I am quickly learning (or re-learning) that I do not handle stress well. At all. Chaos is surrounding my personal life right now, and the only solution I can come to is to just ask Jesus to be Lord over it. Sounds easy enough, right? Yeah...I thought so too. However, my human nature is to continue to want to meddle and try to "fix" things. Of course, there are things I can do as an active participant of life, and I will, but I have to be careful not to push farther than He wants me to.

I need to be sensitive to the Lord's leading and seek His will in all these situations. My desire is to be a shining ambassador for Jesus. I want people to see Christ in me, my actions, my decisions, and the things I stand for. I want to be a witness through how I treat others, the love I show, and the choices I make.

So, while I do hope Jesus comes sooner rather than later, I also hope He gives me the opportunity to live fully for Him. That I may have a chance to shine a light for Him and make a difference in the name of Jesus.

Tonight, my prayer is this:

"Lord Jesus, give me eyes to see You in the midst of the madness of this world. Give me a heart to love the seemingly unloveable. Give me hands to do Your work. Give me the patience only You can. Jesus, I pray that you are Lord over ALL in my life. May Your will be done in and through every single situation I encounter in my personal life as well as in every situation across the globe. Be a comfort to those who hurt, reveal Yourself to them. Finally Jesus, I ask for opportunities not just to share about You with people this week, but for opportunities to BE You to people this week. Thank you for already fulfilling Your promises in this craziness, Lord. I ask these things in the powerful name of Jesus...amen."

1 comment:

  1. Well thought out Kelsey. Thank you for your clarity. God Bless You for sharing your thoughts
    and opening yourself to us.You are more brave than you realize.
